Adult Art Courses

I offer a range of courses for adults that run during school term times. Each term I alternate the day of the week and time of the day but they usually run either 10-12 or 1-3. The price of the courses depend on the amount of weeks in the term.

The next round of courses will start again soon and this page will be updated with the details.


Beginners Watercolour Course

This course is for complete beginners or people who want to refresh their skills. You will learn everything you need to know to be able to piant with watercolours. We start right at the beginning, looking at equipment and materials, then each week we look at a new technique and medium. By the end of the course you will be confident enough to complete your fist fully independent piece.

If you would like to enquire about this course you can email me using the contact page.


Beginners Drawing Course

This course is for anyone who would like to start drawing or brush up on their skills.

Each week we look at a different elemnt of art, such as colour, tone or texture. We also experiment with different drawing media including chalks, pastels and charcoal.

If you would like to enquire about this course you can email me using the content page.


Intermediate Watercolour Course

This course follows on from the beginners course and focusses on the techniques and meduims that have been learnt so that you can build confidence and start to develop your own style.

We concentrate on how to plan your paintings so that you know what colours, mediums and techniques are needed to produce the picture that you want.


Beginners Acrylic Painting Course

If youve always wanted to learn how to piant then this is the course for you.

Each week we will try a different painting to enable you to learn the basic techniques and equipment to use to produce your own paintings.