Health and Wellbeing are at the forefront of my business and my aim is to create a happy and caring environment where people can come and share their situations whilst engaging in creative activities.

Since March 2023 I have been working alongside Bridgend Carers Centre with their ‘Wildflower Project’.

This is a group of females aged between 10 and 25 who are not in education or employemnt due to Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

The purpose of these sessions was to introduce some creative practices in order to increase weekday social opportunities for the girls.

Research suggests that autistic people are more likely to experience feelings of lonliness compared to non-autistic people. This can be due to a lack of acceptance and understanding from society, making them feel excluded.
— The National Autistic Society (

The sessions have been very popular and we have recieved lots of positive feedback from the girls and their parents so we have decided to continue the weekly sessions for as long as we can, dependent of funding.

Below is a mini gallery slideshow showing some of the artwork that has been produced so far.